Shoes and other things

Saturday, June 30, 2007

what no smoke?

Not that this was the last night they could smoke in a pub, but by jove they well and truly made the most of it!

Farewell Windsor

Special thanks goes to TS for making this night so special - my brother loved the Ling mention! Also Emma for staying awake and Avian for being such a good chauffeur. I only cried once and I don't think anyone noticed (except Lady M and as always she was quick to comfort me in her own special way!).

Friday, June 29, 2007

Goodbye Cornwall

Farewell drinks and nibbles with my new friends from Cornwall. We monopolised the downstairs of the excellent fine dining restaurant Ravals and I don't think we frightened too many customers away! Thanks to Kasey (I am not mad) Shyam (hope I spelt that right and that you have managed to surf by now) Alan - see you in Val darhling and Jay - keep an eye out for those silver foxes and Avian - remember what I said about the flat. See you all soon

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Not quite the George

Probabaly the most surprising thing about Julie trying to surf was not that she was a natural - she popped up on the first attempt, but she has a new found fetish for rubber! I think she had a good 3 days, surfing, kayaking and a very civilised evening of wine tasting (we forgot to spit out though!)

Sunday, June 24, 2007

My 2 friends

Julie and Avian got on well once she got his name right!, even little spangles won her over!
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Tuesday, June 19, 2007


Amazin' this surfing thing is easy - hahaha, there was a very fast shutter speed on this camera which managed to catch me just before I fell off! Just finished a 4 weeks coursze at Polzeath beach which was fantastic and will really want to try to keep this up in NZ
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Sunday, June 17, 2007

One man in a boat

Avian found a new sport - sitting in a boat in the middle of the sea. Mind you we shouldn't laugh he caught us 3 mackerel which we enjoyed for tea!
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Not one of my best shots

If you look really really close you can just see the fin of the basking shark - I knew this would be a crap photo - the waterproof camera was onky £6.99, but I had to take this shot.
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Seals, Fish and Sharks

My next trick was to master the sae Kayak, and after a guided tour the day before we were off on our own, with a challenge to see as much nature as possible - we managed seals, birds and catch fish which we ate for tea, but the best moment was seeing the basking sharks. They were really close and it was weird to this of these massive creatures circling us.

Then Big Man came to stay

It was a bit disappointing for Rik that there were no waves after forgetting his surf board then having to go back for it and taking an extra hour on his journey, but I think we made up for him by taking him sea kayaking. He'd paddled before so knew what he was up too and got to use a single seater on the first day.
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Sunday, June 10, 2007

Not for under 18's

It's probably against all laws of decency to put this photo on here of me in a wet suit, but had to do it. On Sunday Emma was chomping at the bit to have a go at surfing so we were on the beach by 8.50am - and it was already 22degrees! The waves were a bit flat, bit we caught a few and then spent the rest of the time lying on the boards chatting! Great way to spend a Sunday morning. Then it was a quick dash back to catch the train back to Londan - very sad to see Sandy off as I wont see her again now till I get back!

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Girl-tastic weekend

Sally, Sandy, Emma & Lady K came to Tintagel to see the hobbit in residence. After turning up late and not even in my own car (thanks Avian & Spangle) after being stuck at the Royal Cornwall show carpark for an hour, I eventually got the girls here for another sun set at the Port William. On Saturday we went to Jamie Olivers 15 at Watergate bay for a long lunch followed by a stroll to the waters edge - I just love this picture.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Perfect end to a perfect day

Today was an epic day - I went for my first surf lesson. I had tried to go the day before but it would have meant waiting an hour and by then my bottle would have gone, so I booked and paid for the 10am this morning. I was in a class with 3 kids and mum and dad, so felt at my ease - obviously was having nightmares about turning up and being with 5 superfit teenagers! The waves were a good size and by the end of the lesson I had actually managed to ride the wave stood up, first time I have been top of the class. After the lesson I was knackered - it's not the surfing itself that is so tiring but the wading throught he waves out to catch the next one - no wonder surfer chicks are so thin, so I went to lie on the beach for an hour - the weather still being amazing. I then left the beach to go for a quick cool down swim in the gym and met Avian for drinks and to watch the sun go down at Trebarwith Strand.

Saturday, June 02, 2007

This must be the longest farewell celebration ever!

Yes another one of my most excellent friends organised a bit of a leaving bash for me - this time in sunny (and it was!) Halesowen, and I have to take it back, the inflatable Spa was a great success. BIG thanks to everyone for coming, Sally for driving me there, Posh for organising, Charlie and Rebecca for coming form Newcastle, Bev and Jo for the lovely flowers Will for the post Card and especially my bessy Julie - who partied the hardest - I hope your head is OK now