Shoes and other things

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Wellington Historic Cable Car that's really a tram

I arrived in Wellington in the cold and dark and went straight to my hotel. The next morning I awoke to wind - which you would expect as Wellington is known as the windy city, but Antartic winds???? Bloody freezing. I made my way to the Museum, which is really good, but on leaving the weather was so shite, I decided I needed an afternoon in front of the TV. Fortunately I had splashed out and had Sky and a sofa in my room so veged out watching movies, brilliant. The next day the weather was totally different - it wasn't even windy so I tried to do as much as possible to make up for the day before. I took the Cable Car to the top of the city and then walked down through the Botanic Gardens to the NZ Parliment building - the Bee Hive. I was knackered by the time I got back to the hotel to collect the car to drive up to the ski field to meet Marcus


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