Shoes and other things

Friday, August 24, 2007

We passed

Looking professional as ever we celebrated with a few OJ's before the younger members of the team ran naked around the Blue Pub in Methven. It was a very long night, but well worth it!

Sunday, August 19, 2007

The Harts

Good family shot, shame James was more interested in licking the drain at the side of the pool!

Work work work

Sunday off and decided to go up the Hamner Springs for a little relaxation. Great places, but strange to sit in a sulphur smelling pool at 40 degrees heated naturally from the ground!

Monday, August 13, 2007

Ski instructors in the making

The group on mass is are swanky uniforms - professional hey? L-R Marcus, Claire Andrew, CJ, Jase Me and Zuzzi

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Knights Point

The last time I was here it was beautiful sunshine and really calm. A bit different today with typical wet and windy weather. Rather that go to the glacier again, Jase and me decided to go to Jacksons Bay population 23 - the most South Westerly place you can go in NZ

Friday, August 10, 2007

Petes Possum Pies

Our final stop was for Petes Possum Pie, not really my kind of thing but the reast of the team seemed to enjoy them, Even Marcus had a go and he's supposed to be a veggie - mind you he did nearly throw up.


After our earlier success at the Otira, we needed to stop somewhere good for lunch - so there is only one place Jacksons. Jase liked the Tomato sauce so much he took it as a souvenir

Otira Hotel - Well worth a stop

Having been told about this place by my brother, I had always wanted to stop here. This pub was sold to someone, who when he bought it for $80K he didn't realize he had in fact bought the entire township. I'm not sure what the land lady made of us - I don't think she had seen anyone for a while. The boys ordered a couple of jugs, but as soon as her back was turned had to pour them away as the pumps hadn't been used for months. She only had 4 pies on the menu as she "hadn't seen anyone for a while" but once we had found the switch for the duke box and the lights for the bar, we had minutes of fun. Soon however we thought it best to leave, so said goodbye to the dog and chickens (I kid you not) and left. By then the land lady had disappeared.

You are here

Second stop on the way was the Arthurs Pass visitors centre - this is me in the main divide, from here it's all down hill to the West Coast. Nice toilets too! We also stopped as the Otira Gorge - but weather was so bad it was a very brief stop

West Cost Trip - Nania

Weekend away to the Franz Joseph Glacier again, but on the way we stopped at Broken River Cave. This is where most of the Nania film was shot, Jase was able to tell us all about it as he featured as a Boogle (apparently) This is Marcus and Jase fighting the crocodile - I wasn't going to tell them that it was only a rock

Thursday, August 09, 2007

And off on our way

And so we drove off into the sunset to dry out. - Mountains next time!

The winch in action (and Will)

There was only one thing we could do - the winch was tried to a tree and used to drag us sideways off the boulder and away - hurrah

Titanic Moment

Meanwhile the water levels continued to rise inside the truck (and it was bloody cold water too)- there was only one thing for it, the winch was called into action.

Boys take a rest

Not really the way to get the truck un-stuck - but at least there was an air of calm over the whole drama.

The truck of luck does it's stuff

Today me, Jase, Marcus and little Will put the beast through it's paces down the river bed behind Springfield. All was going well until we got it stuck on a large boulder in the middle of a river

The Doughnut

CJ and Marcus, very excited to be modeling the Springfield Doughnut - loved by tourists and local business owner, but hated by residents, expect this to be set on fire in the near future! Shame

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Dinner at the Cafe

Happy Birthday CJ. L-R Claire, CJ, Zuzzi, Andrew, Me, a random (Jase started talking to him, we all assumed he knew him, it wasn't till we went to leave we heard him say " so what's your name?" Thats Kiwi's for you, he then joined us at the pub too) Jase, Beth & Marcus. I was going to put a piccy in of CJ 2 hours later when she could hardly walk, but that's unfair as it was thanks to all of us that she got in that state! After vomiting everywhere in her room, she was fine the next day - oh the joys of youth.

Then the party really started

Drinks and nibbles at Bahara, all very grown up, followed by dinner at the Cafe, followed by a quick sherbet at the Springfield Hotel

Jet Boating

CJ's 18th today and after a good days skiing on some excellent snow we went Jet Boating on the Waimak. Great fun and an amazing way to see the river gorges. We had great weather although it was cold.

Friday, August 03, 2007

Mount Hutt

Friday is usually free ski day and as we discovered we have free passes for Hutt for the season we drove over to meet up with Leith and Ali the fine proprietors of Gnomes Ski Shop Top day in lovely groomed piste and not too busy. All rounded off by a apres drink in the Hororata Pub