Shoes and other things

Friday, December 08, 2006

We did it!

Ten random people turned up in the mountains for our first introduction to ski instructing. I don't think any of us really knew what to expect, and it was a really tough week, but has to rate as one of the best weeks skiing ever! We could even laugh off the kill joys who said there was no snow as we spent the last 2 days making tracks in fresh powder! (Had a very interesting conversation with the Customs Official comming back - I don't think he believed me that I had been skiing at all as the UK TV seems to have been focusing on this strange fact. Mind you I think he was also a bit bemused by the 4 pairs of skis too. )
Great to catch up with Kim, Jenny, Will, Paulo and Harpic and again made some really good new mates. This is me and James - "Young Man" having a final read of our Basi manuals before falling down drunk outside the Small Danish! Posted by Picasa


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