Shoes and other things

Monday, September 29, 2008

Worlds Steepest Street

Baldwin Street in Dunedin is the worlds steepest street, even steeper than those roads in Wycombe!

Waterfall Again

Purakaunui Falls

These Purakaunui Falls were very pretty, and the walk through the rain forest was cool

Saturday, September 27, 2008

More Moreaki Boulders

Moreaki Boulders

These weird things are amazing, for an explantation, check the link. Unfortunately the tide was in so I couldn't climb in one, but managed to get on top of one. We told James they were dinosaur eggs!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Petrified Forest

Our last stop today was to see the petrified forest at Curio Bay. It's amazing you can actually see the trees, although they are now completly made of stone

Yellow Eyed Penguins

But even better was to see the Penguin making his way home for the night.

Niagara Falls

I kid you not! We had to stop here, these guys must have been on the local brew this day!

Most Southernly point of Main Land NZ

So we had to take the tourist shot! This is Bluff, end of the world, but the Kiwis do get upset if you say this is the most southernly point of New Zealand, cos that is actually on Fraser Island!


but the pebbles are very pretty

Southern Beaches

From Te Anau to Invercargill the coast becomes really wild!

Not Bristol!

Clifden Suspension Bridge

On our travels to the South the next day we came across this bridge, not quite Bristol, but funny!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Of course on the way back the sun came out!

Bits that make the power

Not sure how it all works, but was very impressive, considering the entire site is run by about 4 people!

Down into the power station

Down a 2KM tunnel under the mountain, into the power station

Drinking from a waterfall

Well I couldn't get any wetter, so when the boat pulled under a kilometre high cliff for a quick drink, I thought why not?


Despite the crap weather we had a laugh!


But we did get to see dolphins, and just after this was taken, one jumped right out of the water!

First View of the sound

Having crossed Lake Manapouri, this was our fist view of the sound, on a good day it would have looked like this!

But it was still raining!

Very atmospheric though

Manapouri Power Station and Doubtful Sound

Just starting on our trip with Simon sounding positive, it looks like it's going to clear up!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Mirror Lakes

Reaching Te Anau in the South we had typical West coast weather, rain and FOG! The idea is that the lake is so smooth it's supposed to look like a mirror hahaha!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Wanaka Transport Muesum

Just 6 massive sheds full of old cars, lorries and planes! I woud have been doing impressive acrobatics, but James started to tickle me!

Treble Cone

Not to Ski, but look at the view, still great snow for this end of the season

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Off to New Zealand

And at the start of our road trip, we had to re-visit the fish at Queenstown...

Thursday, September 11, 2008

The way home

A great way to end our trip.


A small town the other side of Hotham

In flight

Sulphur Crested Cockatoos

The last time I saw these was on Playschool as a kid! These Cockatoos are as common as seagulls around here.

But it was closed.

Had to take a picture of the sign.........

Mount Markey Winery

The focus of our trip was to visit this winery, not quite the same and the Cloudy Bay winery in NZ!

Trip with the girls

Alison and Rowan took me for a drive, and I got this shot of a Rosella, a bird I had been trying to photograph since I first saw them flying around in the snow.

Friday, September 05, 2008

Top of the Hill

This is the view from the summit of Hotham, and you can see Buller in the background.