Shoes and other things

Friday, April 29, 2005


Charlie Farley, the man who has improved my snowsports technique by the famous Scott method of "do or die". Typical course phases include
"I think this is the right way "
"Just hop up a little I can see a crack in the snow forming" (whilst on an avalanche prone slope)
"Mormottes for lunch"
"I'm off to Le Fornet"
"I hope you are wearing a plastic top"

Here he is modelling his new shovel.... Posted by Picasa

Thursday, April 28, 2005

First and Last Run

This was Kim's first run as she had knackered her ankle but Rik looked after her!. A late season run in the slush, perfect for the board. And you can even see my appartment n the background Posted by Picasa

Sunday, April 24, 2005

Pierre & Tate

My favourite man is Pierre. I love this shot of him on the Wibbly Wobbly Bridge on a trip to the Tate. I had to take him with me to explain what all the weird art was about - I came out none the wiser - I mean, there was one exhibit with thousands of little paper cut out men all over the floor supposed to represent something. I am of the belief if it need to be explained then it's not very good! PS he's the one in the pale coat on right walking away from me - now that's art!